Wonder And Charm

Honey Frozen Yogurt with Roasted Strawberries

Smooth and creamy Honey Frozen Yogurt mixed with delicious roasted strawberries. Don’t worry if you have never made homemade frozen yogurt before it is so much easier than you think. Plus the great part is that you don’t need an ice cream maker!

We want to thank Kiva Health Food for partnering with us on this recipe. We only promote products that we use and enjoy ourselves. Our opinion is 100% our own. This is not a paid partnership. 


Does anyone else still crave frozen desserts even in the wintertime? Although it is currently snowing outside we are still craving a nice cold dessert. We usually go for a bowl of ice cream but today we felt like something a bit healthier. Instantly we thought frozen yogurt.

This Honey Frozen Yogurt with Roasted Strawberries recipe is all-natural. There are no processed sugars or fats. This recipe takes very little ingredients and is simple to make. Are you ready to try your hand at making some homemade frozen yogurt? Let’s get started.

The ingredients that you will need:

Tools that you will need:

  • A medium-sized baking dish
  • Air-tight freezer-safe container
  • A large food processor or blender

How do you roast strawberries?

Let’s first explain what roasted strawberries are. Roasted strawberries are strawberries that are mixed with a little sugar and are baked in the oven to bring out more sweetness and intense flavor. To make them you just preheat your oven to 400 degrees Farenhight. In a bowl mix a 1 pound of strawberries that have been stemmed and sliced in quarters with some sugar. Pour them into a baking dish and bake them for 10 minutes. Then stir them up and bake for another 10 minutes.

Once they have cooled place them into an air-tight container and freeze for about 4 hours.

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